Divine Intervention – Mid Air Gesture based Strategy Game Concept by Jan Gillich, Alexandra Rauhut, Miriam Mayer, Matthias Nefzger using Intel® RealSense™ Technology This project…
Divine Intervention – Mid Air Gesture based Strategy Game Concept by Jan Gillich, Alexandra Rauhut, Miriam Mayer, Matthias Nefzger using Intel® RealSense™ Technology This project…
Divine Intervention – Mid Air Gesture based Strategy Game Concept by Jan Gillich, Alexandra Rauhut, Miriam Mayer, Matthias Nefzger using Intel® RealSense™ Technology This project…
Don´t look at me! . Gaze based interactive Survival Horror Game using Unity3D by Inga Brehm, Benjamin Eder, Jens Fakesch, Christian Guerrero, Xaver Loeffelholz, Mai-Anh…
Anti-capitalist-post-growth-city-design by Finn Williams using the building simulator “Cities: Skylines” to create a ‘post-growth city’ with an economy based on social exchange rather than consumption.…
Flying Isles . Jump ‘n’ Run Game with Gaze interaction using Unity 3D by Elias Englmeier, David Englmeier, Patrik Hagen, Stefan Schätz, Linh Nguyen Vo,…
Game Based Learning in Brightspace by D2L . Gamification Project for Lambton College in Canada by Rafi Syed, D2L Europe Ltd, London Interface for creating…
Development of a wheelchair simulator based on users’ needs by David Fugère-Lamarre, Illogika Studios and Philippe Archambault, McGill University, Montréal, Canada https://www.dropbox.com/s/m3pbckmbrqsae1j/GamesCampus%20Archambault%20-%20Fug%C3%A8re-Lamarre.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7125trd3h4x7kq/GamesCampus%20Archambault%20-%20Fug%C3%A8re-Lamarre.pptx?dl=0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqKFwa0s-VM&feature=youtu.be&list=PL-R105dU3RqLyPgyr2c3VPfKCAJ-kh3B2 David…