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Generative Solar Design using Blender


Generative Solar Design

Use solar simulation and adapt the building design.

These studies were made with the open-source software packages Blender and GIMP, using the techniques of pythonscripting and texture baking.

This contribution derives from the publication “Generative Solar Design – Spaces of light, shadow bodies and dynamic solar simulation with Open-Source Software” by Wolfgang Höhl (Lichträume, Schattenkörper und dynamische Sonnenstandssimulation mit Open­-Source Software), in: Computer Spezial 2/2009, Bauverlag BV GmbH., Gütersloh 2009, S. 13 – 19 und in: FORUM PLANEN 11 / Juni 09, und in: Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, Wien 2009, S. 9-11

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