The Stranger . CG Animation by Olga Bettenburg, Verena Gehrig, Daniela Neupert und Moritz Preisinger The film shows typical animals in a German forest, which…
Medizinanimation, Städtebauanimation, Architekturanimation, Filmanimation, Computeranimation, Virtuelle Welten, Gameanimationen, Animationstechnik, Animationsgestaltung
The Stranger . CG Animation by Olga Bettenburg, Verena Gehrig, Daniela Neupert und Moritz Preisinger The film shows typical animals in a German forest, which…
If Only . CG Animation by Jonathan Stütz, Johannes Fuhg, Benedikt Köhler und Lukas Woyte This project was created in the course of the lecture…
2016-07-12 | 17:00 | ZD.B Garching . Lichtenbergstrasse 8, D-85748 Garching Augmented Reality im öffentlichen Raum | Dr. -Ing. Wolfgang Höhl Smart Cities & Smart…
BioFeedback in Games . Workshop at Munich University of Technology . Department of Informatics | Games Engineering Featuring Dr. Peter Zeile and Daniel Broschart from…
Fat Ninja . CG animation by Fabian Freundorfer, Manuel Graf, Michael Prummer and Florian Weiß This project was created in the course of the lecture…
A Winter Story . by Matthias Nefzger (2015) Modelling, Texturing and Animation with Blender 2.72b, Rendering: Blender 2.71 and Blender Cycles (1280 x 720, 80…