Minds at Sea . CG Animation by Mylen Husel, Georg Kagermeier, Oliver Luxenhofer, Stefan Mayr and Jessica Moll This project was created in the course…
Minds at Sea . CG Animation by Mylen Husel, Georg Kagermeier, Oliver Luxenhofer, Stefan Mayr and Jessica Moll This project was created in the course…
If Only . CG Animation by Jonathan Stütz, Johannes Fuhg, Benedikt Köhler und Lukas Woyte This project was created in the course of the lecture…
Experimental CG Animation by Wolfgang Höhl This artwork is available under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives).
Alchemist´s Chamber . CG Animation by Thomas Steinbrecher, Christina Diewald, Marius Schiele This project was created in the course of the university lecture “Practical Course…
Carried Away . CG Animation by Sarah Aragon Bartsch, Mirjam Mickisch, Katharina Sachmann This project was created in the course of the university lecture “Practical…
Molecular . CG Animation by Beat Rossmy This project was created in the course of the university lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling” directed by Dr.-Ing.…
A Cheesy Endeavour . CG Animation by Patrick Waldner This project was created in the course of the university lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling” directed…