Star Light . CG Animation by Monika Wroblewska This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling with Blender” directed…
Star Light . CG Animation by Monika Wroblewska This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling with Blender” directed…
Star Wars | Light Saber . CG Animation by Tobias Martin This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling…
Fat Ninja . CG animation by Fabian Freundorfer, Manuel Graf, Michael Prummer and Florian Weiß This project was created in the course of the lecture…
3D-Animation meets Journalism at Media Lab Bayern Lina Timm, program manager of Media Lab Bayern invited the students of our course “Practical course 3D-Modeling with…
A Winter Story . by Matthias Nefzger (2015) Modelling, Texturing and Animation with Blender 2.72b, Rendering: Blender 2.71 and Blender Cycles (1280 x 720, 80…
Our video “Marble Spaceship” has won the second prize at Fast Forward Science 2015 in the category “Untitled”.