Interactive Media and Serious Games | Workshop MedienCampus . Medientage München Wednesday, October 24th 2018 | 11:30 – 12:00 ICM Messe München, Conference Center Nord,…
Interactive Media and Serious Games | Workshop MedienCampus . Medientage München Wednesday, October 24th 2018 | 11:30 – 12:00 ICM Messe München, Conference Center Nord,…
Gala zur Verleihung des Deutschen Computerspielpreises 2018 . Kesselhaus & Kohlebunker 2018-04-10 | München . Livestream
Crush Tiny People . Game Concept using Oculus Rift and Leap Motion Controller by Lukas Legner, Fabian-Thomas Barein, Marlo Nickol, Benedikt Niedernhuber This project was…
Munich, 2018-01-30 | François-Philippe Champagne, Canadian Minister for International Trade, visits Munich and meets State Secretary of Economics Franz Josef Pschierer at the Bavarian Ministery…
Interdisciplinary Integration – Transportation and Applied Interactive Technologies This contribution focusses on intersectoral and smart crosslinking in developing interactive software applications for transportation. Therefore the…