Minds at Sea . CG Animation by Mylen Husel, Georg Kagermeier, Oliver Luxenhofer, Stefan Mayr and Jessica Moll This project was created in the course…
Minds at Sea . CG Animation by Mylen Husel, Georg Kagermeier, Oliver Luxenhofer, Stefan Mayr and Jessica Moll This project was created in the course…
Eisbach Calling . CG Animation by Jakob Pfab This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling with Blender” directed…
RoboTraps . Game Trailer by Fabian Ramelsberger und Michael Spitzer This project was created in the course of the lecture “Practical Course 3D Modeling with…
Escape Rapa Nui . Augmented Reality Strategy Game Concept by Dennis Dietz, Maximilian Höb, Victoria Müller, Martin Prinz and Martin Sellmair This project was created…
These screenshots, showing a courtyard house project by Mies van der Rohe from 1934, derive from the workshop “3D Architectural Visualization using SketchUp and Unity3D”…
CG Mixed Reality Architectural Workspace Solar Simulation, virtual Prototyping and virtual 3D-Walk-Through for Single Familiy Detached Houses using Unity in a Kommerz MRI Framework Two…
Cell Stacking Processes of a Li-Ion Battery Cell Computer generated 3D animation showing four different production processes of a Li-Ion Battery Cell: Single Sheet stacking,…